...One is to make the idea more concrete and less abstract. A student may not understand why 0.3 is greater than 0.25, but they know why three dimes are worth more than two dimes and a nickel. Another is to present a simpler problem with the same concept, such as posing 1/3 + 1/4 to a student who answers 7/12 + 4/5 = 11/17. (read more)
...The question is, "How do you teach a lesson"? I teach using hands-on material whether it is with one person or 30 students. Social media, music, art, and nature are key to learning science and math. (read more)
...That's what makes me different from most people. I'm willing to do whatever it takes for a child to succeed.I have been sight singing since 6th grade. I have won multiple sight singing competitions and have at least 3 trophies to prove it. (read more)
...I love nature. I love to share my experiences. Please contact me if your elementary student needs help in reading, writing, and/or spelling. (read more)