...Usually, I can take the strange terms and turns them into normal language for those who are struggling. This lead to many "Ah-Ha!" moments. Standardized tests can be intimidating for many people. (read more)
...I will confer with the student, parent & teacher if necessary to provide the needed direction at all times. So, if you are ready and interested in a whole new learning experience, I am at your service. I have spent 40 years in the paper industry in many roles including engineering. (read more)
...I earned a Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I've been using Macintoshes since 1985 for many purposes, including writing, spreadsheets, programming, scientific research, etc. I have become adept at myriad ways of doing things in the Macintosh Operating system in MacOS versions 2 - X- , including the most recent version, MacOS 10.12.6. (read more)