Hi! I'm Christina, a fourth year medical student going into neurology residency. In high school, I always had a knack for science and math. (read more)
...I finished with a 3.93 GPA and made the dean's list all four years. While at Ohio State, I was a teaching assistant for 2 years, where I had the chance to tutor students in subjects like thermodynamics and senior process design. This came in the form of holding weekly office hours, leading study sessions, and creating homework/exams. (read more)
...Along with practical research experience I have had a strong academic success record. I graduated high school with a 3.9 GPA and placed in the 95th percentile of the ACT exam. This earned me the Cincinnatus Scholarship. (read more)
...I welcome the opportunity to help others learn how to create documents. I have an undergraduate degree in mathematics and computer science with masters degrees in educational technology and administration and a doctorate in curriculum and teaching. Aside from my vast knowledge and experience in... (read more)
...To address any particular challenges or concerns, I may be able to offer to distill personal experience into helpful stories and insights to help make your reach for success seem much easier. Not a professional counselor in this field, I can offer insights and lessons learned about resources ava... (read more)