...It's therefore crucial that a tutor understands not just the Precalculus material itself, but also how that material will be needed in the future. I have taught and tutored all of these courses (and beyond) for many years. I will make sure you not only succeed in your current course, but also build a solid foundation for what's to come later. (read more)
I am currently working as an Environmental Engineer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Atlanta. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from the University of Florida (GO GATORS) as well as a Master of Science in Bioengineering from Georgia In... (read more)
...As a high school math teacher, I have taught Algebra 2 for over 20 years. I have my own self prepared resources to help students gain understanding and improve their skills. I have taught Geometry for more than 20 years. (read more)
...Taught different parts of geometry in high school for 6 years. As a student in college, I took geometry and passed with an A & B average. I currently use Microsoft Word. (read more)
...I also taught English in South Korea by teaching mathematics. I regularly read/listen to Spanish over the years. Since Fall of 2015 I have been a grad student and/or Instructor at UF in the Mathematics Department. (read more)