...I have to start again in the United States and I'm sure you will be satisfied if you hire me. I have started to work here in the United States as a Math Teacher in a the High School of Commerce in Springfield and in the Pioneer Charter School of Science in Saugus, and I am getting much more experience. Education is my vocation. (read more)
...When last rated by the United States Chess Federation I had a rating of about 1800. I have had multiple games I have played published with annotations in regional chess magazines highlighting the inventiveness of my attacking chess playing style. I also have tutored chess students in the past. (read more)
...I have worked as an album designer, photo assistant, photo editor, and shooter. I have exhibited my photography at numerous venues and galleries. I have done proof reading with other students. (read more)
...I have always been incredibly passionate about reading and writing, and excelled in all of my English courses throughout high school. I took pride in being the top of my class in both AP language & literature courses. While I did not go on to major in English in college, I loved applying my reading comprehension and writing skills to my many other courses and papers. (read more)
...I used the exact same textbook when teaching this course at Mount Royal Academy the following year. From my past year with Kaplan, I have had firsthand experience in teaching SAT Math. I fully understand all of the changes that have taken place over the years. (read more)