...As an aspiring cardiologist, I have been hard working and scored excellent grades. I love working with students and working with others is something I enjoy immensely. My teaching philosophy is having students engaged with interactive lessons so that they can retain the most information while remained active in their studies. (read more)
...I've been using Koine Greek (not classical or modern) for over twenty years and studied it in both undergrad and my graduate program. I'm willing to help tackle Septuagint Greek if necessary. I preach once or twice a week and teach regularly. (read more)
...I also follow 3 steps when teaching. First, what are we trying to do or solve; second, what information do we have or already know; and third, what is the best or most logical way to get to the answer. Every student I have tutored has gone from D's and F's to A's and B's. (read more)
...I have been coaching volleyball since 1985: 18 varsity high school teams, 10 JV teams, and 27 club teams. In addition, have taken teams to Miami, DC, Atlanta, Balimore, etc. My staff and I have directed camps in Alaska, Oklahoma, Va, NC, Delaware, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.I have coached volleyball since 1985. (read more)