...I enjoy it more than any other subject because I understand how important it is in predicting high school and post-secondary success. I have taught Algebra 1 since the beginning of my teaching career 11 years ago. I have had the opportunity to work with various Algebra 1 curricula and I have worked with students who are diverse both culturally and based on skill. (read more)
...I did not have the opportunity to further this subject with Trigonometry. I received high marks from my teacher and assisted other students with the subject, though not as a tutor. As a graduate student, I used Microsoft Word on multiple occasions for research papers as well as for document writing as a student organization leader. (read more)
...I have experience tutoring Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Precalclus, Statistics, Calculus, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math, as well as SAT and ACT prep. I also teach as an adjunct professor at the college level. I have experience tutoring College Algebra and Trigonometry at the college level, as well as Finite Math and calculus. (read more)
...I have also had experiences working with students in the classroom through my aiding experiences for my future teacher licensure during my time in college. I. Love. (read more)
...I'm licensed by ISBE to teach 7-12 and have endorsements in both areas. I have worked over the last twenty years for a number of schools and corporations as an urban educator, business analyst, and software developer. Some facts about me: I'm father to two daughters and a member of the ACM and Mensa. (read more)