...My creative writing studies have given me extensive workshopping experience, and I love to read and edit fiction as well as nonfiction. I achieved grades of 5 on the AP exams in English Language and English Literature, and I achieved a grade of 780 on the SAT English subject test. My fiction wo... (read more)
18 Subjects: includingReading,English,Writing,ACT Math
...Trigonometry sounds scary to many students (and even their parents, still), but it doesn't have to be. With the right explanation it is really not that difficult, but unfortunately many teacher make it more difficult than needed. Students tell me often: "when you explain it, it makes total sense, but when my teacher does, I have no clue". (read more)
...This is the program used across NYC public schools. I also use the Success for All phonics program that I find to be a little more fast paced. My phonics lessons include listening, reading, speaking/singing, and writing components. (read more)
...I have since guided multiple students to admission at Ivy-League architecture programs. We will work together on concepts, images, drawings, models, layout, and presentation.*Subject and Executive Function Tutoring* Helping students learn long-term means helping them become better learners! I integrate habit formation, organization, time management, and study skills with subject help. (read more)
...I am a published author, with two articles printed in scholarly journals in 2015. I have completed a PhD in Anthropology from Columbia University, an Ivy League institution. I scored in the 99th percentile for the Verbal section of the GRE (Graduate Record Exam) and received the highest possible score on the Analytic writing section. (read more)