...After leaving Georgetown, I attended Blackbird Studios' The Blackbird Academy in Nashville where I trained for over 1000 hours and received a certification in Studio Engineering. I also have severe ADHD and was a part of the "gifted" program in my K-12 unit school. There is where I began tutoring with my fellow classmates, from middle school through graduation. (read more)
...Special emphasis on my work with elementary students was in Language Arts, Social Studies and Science and Math. My Master’s degree is in Gifted and talented Education. I have worked with students to develop study skills in my elementary classes as well as in my beginning writing classes in college and high school. (read more)
...I also am proficient with fractions and have worked with the metric system as a machinist for many years. I have taken and understand undergraduate and graduate statistics. I have an undergraduate degree in Biology from VCU. (read more)
...I believe that communication with parents is vital. I have received Teacher of the year K-4 2 times for my school site and one time for the county. I have been "The Titans Teacher" of the year and "Office Max" Teacher of the year. (read more)
...I have a strong desire to share what I know! I want to learn more about the North American lifestyle, make some friends, and am looking into living in the US. I want new experiences with new cultures! (read more)