...I am an honor-roll college student with associate's degrees in math, physics, and computer science. I recently graduated from community college, and I am currently attending UC San Diego. I am pursuing a bachelor's in computer science, with a minor in math. (read more)
...I have worked with small groups, tutoring up to 10 students at a time, and tailor my teaching methods to fit each individual's learning style and pace. In Math, I have taught topics ranging from elementary arithmetic and algebra to more advanced subjects like calculus, linear algebra, and differ... (read more)
...I enjoyed it so much I taught all 10 quarters I was there (summers included).At UCSD I received my BS in Chemistry and my MS in Chemistry. My undergraduate coursework included thorough work in general, analytical, physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry. My graduate studies revolved specifically around analytical, physical, environmental, atmospheric and relevant organic chemistry. (read more)
...Being a tutor and helping students through various levels of Mathematics and Physics has been a very rewarding and fulfilling experience in my life. I always believe that tutoring provides positive transformative changes when it comes to students’ academics because the students get the ability t... (read more)
...I used MATLAB to calculate the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrices of the graphs for my dissertation. I also used it in college for plotting graphs in Calculus 3. I am qualified to tutor in TEAS (Math) because the skill areas being tested are basic math skills such as whole numbers, fractions... (read more)