...In the past, we hosted a book club in our apartment where we read Dostoyevsky, Dante, Tolkien, Chesterton, and more. Since 1993, I have been teaching Russian to both children and adults. I have taught all my 3 children English and Russian so they are bilingual. (read more)
...I have been a dean at a Baptist seminary and professor at several seminaries and Bible institutions. I have three advanced degrees in religion/theology from two seminaries. I have also served as a youth pastor for 8 years, senior pastor in three churches for a total of 8 years, and as an international missionary in Europe for 28 years. (read more)
Hello Scholars, I am a native Houstonian, and a Texas Certified Teacher, who has taught 14+ years in public schools, at the Secondary level. I am a graduate of the Kinder H.S. for Performing Arts, (1998), I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, and a Master's in Educational Administration and Leadership from the University of St. Thomas. (read more)