Hello! I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science, but minored in Mathematics, and am currently finishing up my Alternative Certification for teaching. I currently hold an Intern Teaching Certificate while I finish my program. (read more)
...This course develops a structured mathematical system employing both deductive and inductive reasoning. It includes plane, spatial, coordinate, and transformational geometry. Algebraic methods are used to solve problems involving geometric principles. (read more)
...I am in my twentieth year in education.Elementary math is just lower mathematics, therefore my certifications in higher level mathematics should cover this academic area. If I can teach mathematics grades 6-12 then I certainly can teach mathematics K-6th. Math is Math. (read more)
...I work on a team with three other paras and the teacher on record. I'm specifically in charge of the reading and writing lessons for the students. It's essential that the students are given the tools and skills to use the tools so that they can learn to effectively communicate their needs and desires. (read more)