...I'm excited to work with your student to help them cement the fundamentals and reach their full potential!I'm a former substitute math teacher and ELL math instructor in Algebra 1 classrooms. I've been tutoring all levels of high school and middle school math for over 10 years. I'm a former high school substitute math teacher and ELL math instructor with experience in Algebra 2 classrooms. (read more)
...I have experience working with multiple elementary curriculum that are aligned with the Common Core, and making personalized activities for students that align with Common Core standards. This allows students to access new learning in a way that will help them better understand the material they are learning in school, and is still directly related to the state standards. I love writing! (read more)
...I enjoyed banking, but wanted more in my life, so I decided to go back to Central Washington University and receive my Teaching Certificate. After teaching for 5 years, I began my journey to receive my Master of Arts in Mathematics Education, specializing in Middle Grades (5-9) from Western Governors University. I am happy to say that journey has been accomplished! (read more)
...I have taught my employees to use it for managing not only mail but contacts and calendars and to integrate with the other programs in MSFT Office. I tutor not only Outlook but all the Office products including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I created a 12-week course for Perl at University of Washington and taught it for two years in the 90s. (read more)
25 Subjects: includingAlgebra 2,SAT Math,Trigonometry,ACT Math
...Sorry.Have been tutoring math, mostly algebra, since 1994. First with Olympic College and then after a 10 year break with WyzAnt. Helped a math teacher pass the WEST E exam for math teachers in the State of Washington. (read more)