...In August 2020, I took the MCAT and received a score of 518, in the 96th percentile. During my time at college I was a high school and middle school tutor for algebra, geometry, and physics. After graduating from UC Berkeley in May 2021, I moved to New York and worked as a middle school Science teacher for 2 years at Success Academy Charter Schools in Manhattan. (read more)
...I also college Field Biology (at Cornell University), AP Environmental Science, and related Life Sciences, including creating and teaching courses in Genetics, Bioethics, Ornithology and Ecology. I've taught Chemistry 1-on-1 at Tilden Prep, and have tutored students in it for several years. I t... (read more)
...I have also tutored multiple students one-on-one in various mathematical subjects such as algebra, pre-calculus, and calculus - one of whom was accepted to NYU. Personally, I have a strong background in mathematics dating back to middle school competitions. I have also taught a range of science... (read more)
Tutors have helped me immensely through my academic career, and their enthusiasm was as helpful as their lessons. That's why I strive to provide effective, customized lessons to help students prepare and use my own passion for the subject matter to get students excited about what they learn. Earth... (read more)