...I am a chemical engineer with 15 years of industry experience before becoming a certified math teacher. Are you looking for real world connections to your math problems? I can provide real world examples to make the problems more relevant and fun. (read more)
...Louis, ranked 16th in U.S., with a Mechanical Engineering degree. I earned A's in all my math classes in high school and got 5's on AP calculus AB and BC. Therefore I am comfortable with all elementary, middle school, and high school math. (read more)
...I have experience coaching, tutoring, and teaching students at various levels, starting in high school when I tutored freshmen in remedial algebra. I specialize in tutoring high school math subjects such as algebra, geometry, and SAT. While I grew up loving math, I understand that it can feel discouraging and frustrating for many students. (read more)
...I suppose the applications of calculus in those programs aren't seen as early, often, or as in depth in those programs so it is not as urgent to ensure the students master calculus. I also took partial differential equations and complex-variable calculus courses. I did ok at the time however, I do not tutor those now. (read more)
...Besides teaching, I also love research. After my year of teaching, I started a physics PhD program researching GaN nanowires. Despite the demands of a PhD degree, I continued to be involved in education and developed a program to train graduate students how to teach. (read more)