...They add and subtract fractions with like denominators and add and subtract decimals. They understand the properties of, and the relationships between plane geometric figures. They collect, represent, and analyze data to answer questions. (read more)
...One student went from 28 percent in fourth-grade math at a private Christian school to 28 out of 30 on a placement test to continue to fifth-grade math. His teacher had failed him in math for dubious reasons (he was at a B level in math for his last exams), and I gave him the knowledge and confi... (read more)
...I have been told by two separate parents of my students that I am well worth the hourly rate. I enjoy working with both children and adults and like to see them succeed. It is very rewarding to see the smile on their faces when they tell me their grades. (read more)
...I am here to help you understand and learn math. I am patient and considerate. I will help you to work at your pace to master your math abilities. (read more)
I have taught high school science for over 30 years. I am certified by the State of Virginia in Chemistry, Physics, and Earth & Space Science. Although my classroom experience has been in the sciences, I am equally comfortable tutoring geometry and algebra, including SAT Prep. (read more)