...As such, tutors must have the necessary maturity, skills, attitude, and professional approach in order to inculcate in their students a sense of self-worth, confidence, and capability. Learners are diverse, so tutors must be adaptable, have a sense of humor, be outgoing and enthusiastic, and pos... (read more)
...With planning and someone to keep you accountable like an experienced tutor, I believe that students can master any course or test! My science GPA is a 4.0, as I earned A's in all my major and premed coursework! I scored a perfect on the Psychology Sociology, and my overall score and earned me a seat at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. (read more)
...One misspelled word can otherwise diminish excellent qualifications. So much of life's success is found in the details - and that includes making sure words are spelled correctly. I enjoy working with students of all ages. (read more)
...As I went through the K-12 system and got introduced to more history subjects, I branched out my interests to medieval and early-modern European history, and modern American history from 1870-present. I excelled at history in school, and took multiple AP level American and European history cours... (read more)
3 Subjects: includingAnthropology,American History,European History