...For example, fractions are taught not only by writing examples and explanations but also by having my student hold a sheet of paper and cutting it into different parts. We may also use coins to demonstrate their relationship to fractions... how a quarter is really a quarter of a dollar and four ... (read more)
...I have a Master's in Mathematics Education and love finding and fixing student's skill gaps at any level of math! I taught Applied Finite math online for a University in the NE. Finite math is a non-standard collection of different math subjects. (read more)
...My goal is to connect with each student, listen to them, assess their needs, and create an atmosphere in which learning is as enjoyable as possible. I see my role as cheerleader and encourager and try to boost the student’s confidence as we progress. I help them understand the requirements of their assignments and walk alongside them as they work through it. (read more)
...I have experience with students with special needs as well as students impacted by trauma. I have experience as a school administrator as well as a teacher. I will increase your child's academic performance regardless of the struggles or barriers they face. (read more)