...My expertise and knowledge includes basic algebraic operations such as order of operations, evaluating expressions, simplifying and expanding the distributive property. I really enjoy explaining how to solve one-step and two-step equations to students in middle or high school. In additon, I am ... (read more)
...I grew up speaking Spanish at home as a second language and furthered my knowledge through undergraduate courses in Spanish language and literature, focusing on grammar, conversation, and cultural aspects. My undergraduate studies culminated in an honors thesis titled "The Impact of Micro and Ma... (read more)
...Consider the formula d=vt. It is difficult to process the practical use of these symbols unless you might multiply 60mph by 2hrs to get 120 miles. Seeing this, it takes just a hint to realize this product tells us that driving 60miles per hour for 2 hours straight can get us 120 miles down the road. (read more)
...I got good really good grades in my courses. After I finish student teaching for my Masters, I am able to teach in Social Studies, especially for special education. I worked with special education students and taught them spelling to help them in reading. (read more)
36 Subjects: includingACT Science,Chemistry,ACT Math,ACT English
...Additionally, I have several years of tutoring experience from my years as an undergraduate. I have tutored mostly with students one on one, but have some experience with larger groups from my time in the school system. Most of my tutoring experience is with highschool students who are falling behind in their classes and need a little extra help. (read more)